HEALTH AND WELLNESS : Cancer – Shattering Cancer with Music Therapy


By His Grace and Blessings, I write

Shattering Cancer with Music

Of all the unconventional approaches aimed at curing cancer, sound resonance is the most promising. Musical therapies have been widely applied in the field of human health and have particularly revolutionized the use of sound resonance therapies in cure of cancers. Per se this discussion will be confined to shattering of cancer cells through frequencies, resonance, vibration and energy of sound.

Nicola Tesla once remarked, “if you want to understand the secrets of the universe then study frequency, vibration and energy”. Music/Sound is tied to human body in a very radical manner. The blog will be divided into 3 parts

  1. Brief history
  2. Scientific basis and concepts involved
  3. Evidence of shattering of cancer cells

Of/through sound therapies.

Brief History:

The use of sound therapies is as old as human civilization. However, revolutionary breakthrough in the use of sound resonance in shattering of cancer cells and in cure of many other health problems came in 1930’s. Dr Royal Rife first documented this knowledge as per the rigor of modern science. Unfortunately, like many good things of life, this research was short lived due to its antithetic nature to corporate greed. Dr Rife’s whole idea was reduced to ashes when his lab was burnt, his junior murdered, his research erased from scientific journals and he was made to run for his life. All of this was done to propagate the so called modern scientific temper and oppose the alleged voodoo science of sound resonance. Always remember cures are bad for business and big pharma has the power to keep us sick as long as it is profitable for them.

Scientific basis:

The principle of Entrainment in physics states that one rhythmic vibrating object synchronizes with other through inducement of a sympa

2 Responses

  1. Ma’am, thanks for writing on the healing power of music through its impact on our immunity…as we know that there are various types of music and in so called modern music it’s hard to identify whether a certain type of music is good or not?

    1. thanks Punia ji for sharing your views…music is always healing..however, to heal specific illnesses one needs specific infra sounds and ultrasound frequencies and work is underway to detect such is generally presumed that human ear is receptive to sounds between 20Hz to 20,000 hz. any frequency below or above that range can not heard through ears but our bodies feel it very much and thus sound therapies and music therapies have been found to be very effective even when you cant hear them…thanks

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